It is hard for us in the past year 2021, both watch factories and their clients felt the difficulty. Watch factories was afraid of being caught and closed down, so they slowed down their production process and reduced stock quantity, while their clients always had a great demand for high quality replica watches, so their need can not be fulfilled, watches’ prices increased. And in 2021, two important watch manufacturers Noob and VSF were always in closing status, that means you guys could not get a lot of high quality watches like Rolex Submariner, Omega Seamaster and Panerai, especially Panerai replica watches, no other factories make good quality ones except VSF, so there was no place to source good quality replica Panerai watches during the entire 2021, very frustrating, yes, I felt too. Besides the watch factories, there were also problems with shipping, whose transit time was affected by coronavirus and took a bit longer than before.
However, during this difficult times, some watch manufacturers seized the opportunity, Clean is one of them, here the best sellers I am going to introduce, most of them come from Clean factory. Hope this article can give a guide when purchasing the best replicas, let’s start.

1.Clean Submariner 116610LN
It deserves this position. Whether it is a genuine or a replica, Submariner 116610LN is one of the best sellers. For people who are looking to buy their first replica Rolex, Submariner 116610LN becomes their first choice. Before, I recommend Noob V12 for this replica, but with the closure of Noob, I think Clean makes the best one.

2.Clean Submariner 116610LV
Rolex published 41mm Submariner before, they are 126610LN and 116610LV, Clean factory also made the replicas of them, but they are not as popular as the 40mm Submariner 116610LN and 116610LV. For the replica of 116610LV, I only recommend the one made by Clean factory. First, it Clean made the best green ceramic bezel itself, even the Submariner 116610LV made by ZZ factory we talked before also equips Clean’s bezel. So, if you want the best replica Rolex Submariner Hulk, do not try others, the Clean’s version is the best.

3.Clean Daytona 116500
With the closure of Noob factory, Clean seized the opportunity to develop their Super Clone 4130 movement and install in Daytona, so now, the Daytona replicas from Clean factory are considered to be the best ones in our market. This Panda White Daytona is the most popular one from Clean. Because only Clean uses Super Clone 4130 movement in Daytona, so their Daytona are usually sold at very high prices. I hope Clean can improve their Daytona and publish V2 edition and V3 edition in future, after all Noob often upgrated their watches before, hope Clean can learn this.
4.PPF Nautilus 5711 Blue
A few watch factories make Nautilus super replicas, PPF is one of them. Actually many people are confused because 3KF and PPF both offer top quality Nautilus 5711 replicas, actually their quality is almost the same. But for this specific model Nautilus with blue dial, I recommend PPF. First, PPF has updated this model several times, the latest version has come to V4. Second, many “experts” in this industry said that the blue dial on PPF 5711 is closest to that of genuine watch.

5.Clean GMT-Master II 126710BLNR Batman
The 126710BLNR Batman has always been the most popular GMT-Master Rolex watch in our market, for this watch, GM, VR and Clean factories make it. These three watch factories make this watch with good quality. Clean has a more accurate and natural ceramic bezel, the color of black/blue ceramic looks closer to genuine. About case finish and movement, GM and Clean have the same quality.

6.ZF Royal Oak 15400
For the best replica 15400, I recommend three watch factories, they are JF, ZF and APSF, their quality is very good and very close. Among them, people seem more willing to buy the 15400 from ZF. But the 15400 from these three factories are all good. APSF has their own custom-made 3120 movement and right case thickness, ZF has upgraded this watch to V2 edition, and they just made some imporvements on the watch including changing the position of the balance wheel to make the movement look more accurate, while JF’s 15400 has the best bracelet finish. Every factory has their own advantages, it depens on which part you care most when deciding to buy a replica.

7.ZF Nautilus Moon Phase 5712
This is the only top quality replica Patek Philippe Nautilus with complicated functions in our market. Other Nautilus with complications do not have super replicas. For this Nautilus Moon Phase 5712, I only recommend two factories, GRF and ZF. Perhaps you did not find “ZF 5712” on some dealers’ website, but will see a 5712 under PPF’s name, let me tell you, PPF made this watch before, now they do not make, ZF has taken over PPF’s production of this watch.

8.Clean Datejust II Green Rome
Before, VS factory made the best Datejust II, but VS can not offer us Datejust watches even they came back in last month, I think the Datejust watches from VS will still be not available in a short period, maybe will be in stock in the second half year of 2022. Now, about the best replicas of Datejust II, I recommend two factories, GM and Clean. Both can offer the best Clone 3235 movement, both use 904L stainless steel. For this Datejust II with green rome markers, Clean sells it at a higher price than GM, most people think the same product sold at a higher price must have a better quality.

9.ORF Seamaster No Time to Die
When VS factory was closed and could not offer watches during the whole 2021, ORF appeared and published several Seamaster replica watches, fortunately the quality is good, this is very lucky. Among these Seamaster watches from ORF, the best-selling one is this 007 No Time to Die limited edition, ORF installed a clone 8806 movment and adopted titanium as case material, ORF shipped the watch with one extra nato band for free. When VS factory came back in the beginning of 2022, ORF lowered the price of this watch.

10.3KF Nautilus 5711 Green
The green Nautilus 5711 must be one of the most popular new models published in 2021. Both PPF and 3KF make the replica 5711 with green dial, actually the Nautilus 5711 with tiffany blue dial is also as popular as this one. Both PPF and 3KF make this green Nautilus with the same quality, because of its super clone PP 324 movement, 3KF has a more accurate case thickness, which is 8.3mm. By the way, the latest version of Nautilus 5711 green dial from 3KF has come to V2.