On my blog, readers always emailed me and asked some things about watches and factories, some of them are seeking for the best replica watches made in our market, sometimes they are confused because of so many watch factories I mentioned on my blog, they do not know which factory to choose from. Here it is the last time for me to explain, any replica watch can not be perfect, each has their own advantages and shortcomings, if a replica watch is made by several factories at the same time, please make sure you choose from the factory that sells it at a higher price, or you can email me to seek advice, I will tell you which one is relatively better after comparing them.

The replica Rolex I am going to talk about is a blue Submariner 116619LB, it was made by VS factory in 2020, not a new model, but I want to share it with you guys, because I want you to know it is not a perfect replica watch although I always said VS factory makes the best Submariner. Now, in purchasing Submariner, I only recommend Clean and VS. Take this blue Submariner for example, both versions are good, the blue ceramic bezel insert on Clean is even better than that on VS, on Clean, the blue color on ceramic bezel is closer to genuine, the bezel pearl is also made to be better on Clean’s Submariner. Well, apart from the advantage on the bezel, Clean can not compete with VS in other details, especially in the movement, this blue Submariner from VS factory uses a custom-made 3135 movement, which is the best clone 3135 in our market, this is the truth, behind the solid steel back, I am not afraid that you open the back and check the movement, you can even compare it with a genuine Rolex 3135 movement, on every piece of movement plate, you can find the decoration is exactly the same as that of genuine 3135, this is hard to believe, but I am telling you the truth, about the power reserve, it is also improved on the VS’s 3135 movement, it is said that the Submariner can work for more than 60 hours after being fully winded. A movement is the heart of a watch, so, purchasing the Submariner from VS factory means the watch will have fewer movement issues in future.

At last, I want to share some new models already published or going to be unveiled in next days.

Clean factory is about to release Sprite 126720VTNR, the first batch will be available on May 10th.

These GMT-Master II from V9 factory will be available soon.

Two IWC Aquatimer watches from RS factory will be available soon.

Three ladies Daytona watches from DIW.