Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Chrono 26331, there are several factories that have made its replica, including B, OM and IP, but none of these factories are making a correct replica of this watch, although I suggest you buy this replica from OM before, however, OM is a weird watch maker, it usually needs to wait for a long time to get a factory from them, especially ordering this AP 26331.
The AP 26331, I love it more than the 26240, it looks more beautiful than the latter, I just like its subdial design, which is in different size, I do not like the same size of the subdial on 26240. In the past, whether the 26331 replica made by B or OM, there are obvious flaws. For example, the position of the three subdials is not correct on the 26331 made by B. The small hands on the two subdials at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock do not work on the 26331 from OM. Both of these flaws are fixed on this AP 26331 that was just published by APW Factory. And on this new 26331 from APW, the case thickness is very close to that of genuine watch, which is measured to be 11mm. I also measured the diameter, it is 41mm.
The functions of the APW 26331 are the same as that of genuine, the correct position of the small dials, sunburst finish on the small dials, laddered date window design, stable SL4801 movement, good chamfering finish on the case and bracelet, there are many advantages on this replica 26331.
But there are two shortcomings which I think APW should improve next, first, the brushing on both sides of the case is not obvious and should be enhanced. Second, the area which the small dials contact with the main dial is not well processed, it does not look very clear. Fortunately, the watch is sold at a much affordable price than that of 26240.