QF has been very active in this year, perhaps many people have not heard of QF, but this factory has been in our market for almost two years, may be longer, they only produced Daytona replicas before, the quality is good, but few people are interested in purchasing from them, in 2024, QF started to make the increased weight version of Rolex Day-Date and competed with GM in this field, so more people started to know them in this year, actually their Daytona replicas produced before also have an increased weight. Just in last week, QF announced that their increased weight Daytona has been updated to V6 edition, on the golden models, each watch has a weight of about 180 grams, the case thickness is also almost the same as genuine watch, which is 12mm. QF claims that they use special material to add the weight, not totally tungsten steel, they also did not put extra metal between the case back and movement to increase the weight, I am not sure if this is true, but their official spokesman told me these things. In the market, for new 12xxxx series Daytona replicas, if you want increased weight versions, now only APS and QF offer. And for these golden models, I think only QF makes them. Inside, there is a Shanghai 4131 movement, which I think is the best clone 4131 movement in this industry. By the way, Clean and BT do not have the increased weight version of Daytona watches.