VS factory announced that they will publish this new Air King replica watch several weeks ago, now this replica is finally available. VS did not have the real super clone 3230 movement in the past, the Oyster Perpetual Rolex replicas made by them directly adopt their most famous 3235 movement, but there is a date adjustment position left for the crown for all replicas with 3235 movement, so people will know it is not a real 3230 if they just operate the crown. However, this new 3230 is a super clone 3230 movement that is independently developed by VS factory and solved that issue completely, this super clone 3230 is completely independent of that 3235 that is also from VS, it is the best 3230 you can find in the market.
For this Rolex Air King 126900 replica, two other watch makers produced it, they are JVS and Clean, both use Shanghai 3230 movement, not like this super clone 3230 from Dandong that has a longer power reserve, which is more than 70 hours. However, is this Air King from VS really better than the one made by Clean? I do not think so, but the movement is better, perhaps the movement stability is better and power reserve is longer. However, I checked the bracelet on both watches, Clean version has a much better stainless steel bracelet, it is said that Clean uses the same OEM that made bracelets for AR in the past, while on the VS version, the bracelet has a bit loose links. Here at last I will share some pictures of the VS 126900.