The Best Super Clone GMT-Master II with Meteorite Dial

Every replica watch is not perfect, even it is a super clone made by these big factories. Have you purchased any replica watch from Clean, VS or APS? The Daytona from Clean is considered to be the best one, VS makes the best Panerai, APS has a very good finish on AP 15400. But if you have ever purchased one of these watches, you will find none of them are perfect, every watch has flaws. For one or two flaws on a certain model, an apartment or factory will research and produce a better watch part, some dealers will get such type of watch parts to replace the original ones on the watch they got from Clean, BT or VS. What they did is to make the replica to be closer to perfection, certainly the price will be also higher. Is it necessary to do this? I do not think so. For example, some dealers will get a Pepsi GMT-Master Rolex watch from Clean, and replace its sapphire crystal with another sapphire crystal with better transparence from Deep Crystal factory, I do not think you need to do this once you have bought a GMT-Master from Clean, changing one crystal can not achieve an ideal effect, but if you want to replace several watch parts, that will cost a lot of money. Some dealers even said they can source genuine watch parts to install for you, the price is much more expensive.

Today, the replica watch I want to talk is a GMT-Master II with meteorite dial, only one factory in the market makes this watch, C+ makes this watch, but the best one is not made by C+. The movement installed by C+ is Shanghai 3285, after being improved at last time, but it still can not be compared with the Dandong 3285 movement. To get this watch with Dandong 3285 movement, you need to order one Pepsi GMT-Master II from Clean and one meteorite dial from RB factory, then replace the original Clean dial with the RB meteorite dial, then finally you will get one Pepsi GMT with Dandong 3285 movement, but this version will have a higher price than the one directly made by C+.

C+ is a good alternative for watch fans who want a good clone GMT-Master Rolex with much affordable price. This factory has been in the market for a long time, but if you have a trusted source to get a GMT-Master from Clean, I still suggest you buy the Clean version. For this GMT-Master II Pepsi, I have shown pictures from both watch makers, C+ uses the same V3 blue/red ceramic bezel as Clean, the dial is also from the same RB factory, the biggest difference between them lies in the movement, but I think Clean has a better finish on the bracelet. By the way, for this Pepsi GMT-Master, you can also order the V2 edition from Clean, which is a bit cheaper than the V3.

Replica Rolex GMT-Master Pepsi Meteorite SW Dial
C+ Factory Replica Rolex Meteorite GMT

About C+ Factory Two Tone Submariner

C+ factory does not have a long history, but it has become a perfect alternative to Clean and VS. From the start, C+ has a quick service to deliver watches, but now they also became very cautious after the last raid happened in last year. Whatever, I have seen some replicas made by C+, their Submariner, GMT-Master and Explorer II are really good quality, some are even better than the ones from Clean.

The ones that are better than Clean are the two Submariner two tone models, why do I think so? First, to enter this industry, the team of C+ factory made a lot of works, including investigating the original parts manufacturers of Clean, and finally they found them, so C+ factory is using the same original equipment manufacturers as Clean, the finish on the case and bracelet as well as other watch parts has no difference with that on Clean, both are in the same quality level. Second, these two golden Submariner watches are equipped with Dandong 3135 movement, just like Clean and VS. Third, C+ factory made a great improvement on the two Submariner, they thickened the stainless steel piece that is wrapped around the bezel pearl, on Clean, it looks a little thin. And last, C+ has the gain weight version of these two golden Submariner, each weight is about 174 grams, but now need to wait, the gain weight version from C+ factory is still out of stock.

In the end of this post, I would like to tell you that another raid happened in last week, some watch factories were forced to be closed, such as EW and TW. However, now you can still order Rolex watches sold under name TW, that’s interesting. Actually now TW is not referring to a specific watch factory in our market, many people or teams are making replica Rolex watches at the same quality and sell them under name “TW”. So TW is still there and hard to disappear.

40mm Submariner blue:

Replica Rolex Submariner Two Tone Blue

40mm Submariner black:

Replica Rolex Submariner Two Tone Black

C+ Factory V3 Rolex Pepsi GMT

I would not have expected that C+ factory will survive in the market for such a long time, it seems like a lot of people are buying from them. Sometimes if ordering from Clean factory takes long, som people will turn to buy from C+ factory, which always have stocks for many Rolex watches and won’t wait for too long. Most importantly, their quality is very close to that of Rolex made by Clean. I think the only difference lies in the movement, take this Rolex Pepsi GMT for example, Clean uses Dandong 3285 movement, while C+ uses Shanghai 3285. In the past, I thought Shanghai 3285 was not good, but it is also a good movement, many factories are using this movement and has been tested to be very stable. The power reserve is not as long as Dandong 3285.

C+ Pepsi Rolex GMT is a perfect alternative to Clean Rolex Pepsi GMT, Clean published the V3 edition in last year, and now C+ also uses the same ceramic bezel on their V3 edition. C+ sells the watch at a much affordable price. I have a complaint on Clean factory, they have published several editions of this replica in the market, including V1, V2, V2s, V3, every time they published the new version, they will increased its price, that’s not good, and therefore there are a lot of different versions in the market, customers are confused, they do not know which edition is the best. Some said V3 is the best, but recently Clean released V2+ edition that is improved upon V2, and they said V2+ has the closest bezel color to genuine watch, at least many reviewers have confirmed. What can I say? I am also a bit confused. If you are really going to buy V2+ edition, will the dealer send you the correct one? You need to consider a lot of things for buying just a replica.

Clean vs C+ Factory
C+ Factory Replica Rolex Pepsi GMT
C+ Replica Rolex GMT-Master Pepsi
C+ Replica Rolex GMT-Master Blue Red
C+ Factory Rolex Pepsi GMT Replica
C+ Factory Rolex GMT Case
C+ Factory Rolex GMT Crown
C+ Factory Rolex GMT Case Back
C+ Factory Rolex GMT Clasp

New arrival Rolex

In future, fewer and fewer new models will be published in our market, nowadays, only several factories are still publishing new watches, they are Clean, VS, ZF and APS, but they also do not release new watches so often like before. Today, I want to introduce three new Rolex replica watches that were just published in our market, they are top quality super clones and absolutely worth buying.

Clean GMT-Master II Gold

Clean GMT-Master II Two Tone

First, two new GMT-Master II replica watches, one in two tone style, the other is full gold. Made by Clean factory. Both replica watches have a 40.2mm case diameter, case thickness is about 12.4mm. The weight of each watch is about 141 grams, I have measured it. These two GMT-Master II watches are also the new models from Rolex, we have waited for a long time before Clean makes the clones, now they finally come out. Both watches are equipped with Dandong 3285 movement, which is the best movement currently in all GMT-Master II replicas, Clean is very proud of this movement. But ordering a GMT-Master II replica watch from Clean needs to wait for a long time, about two weeks or even one month.

Before Clean, another factory has made these two watches, while I forget its name. EW factory also makes these two GMT-Master replicas and sells at cheap prices. But if you want to get the best ones, I recommend Clean. In our market, Clean and C+ make the highest quality GMT-Master replicas. Clean uses Dandong 3285 movement, while C+ uses Shanghai 3285 movement.

C+ Explorer Black

C+ Explorer White

Last two new models are black and white Rolex Explorer made by C+ factory. They have been released in our market for weeks, and like their GMT-Master II, the new Explorer II from C+ also uses Shanghai 3285 movement. I introduced Explorers II black and white watches before, they are made by GM and JVS, the version of GM Explorer II has come to V4, while I heard that JVS factory has been closed because of the raid, not sure if they will back to this business in future. If you want the black or white Explorer II, you can buy from GM or C+.

How about Rolex made by C+ Factory?

C Factory, also called CF Factory or CF by many people, is actually Clean Factory in this field, what about C+ Factory, it is not the same factory, it is also not a branch of Clean Factory, I do not know the background of C+, maybe being operated by a small team in the market just to make some quick money, C+ has existed in this area for about two years, about its reputation, it is just so so. My overall suggestion is just buy Rolex from Clean(C), they make better quality Rolex than C+.

I admit that C+ Factory makes good quality Submariner and GMT-Master, but their finish is not as good as Clean, the case finish is not as good as that of Rolex from Clean, some people have complained its fat lugs, but in C+ promotion, they said their case and bracelet use the same finish as that of previous AR Factory, I doubt this. 116610LV is still hot, C+ also makes this replica and they claim their 116610LV is the best in the market, I do not think so, the best 116610LV is still from Clean.

About the GMT-Master II Pepsi and Batman from C+ Factory, they used VR3186 or VR3285, actually these two movements have no difference in function and power reserve, about 1 or 2 days, but I am not sure which Chinese movement factory makes the 3186 and 3285 they used in the GMT-Master II, the movement quality is ok and these two movements have been widely used. Just weeks ago, Clean Factory announced that they will use Dandong 3285 movement in their GMT-Master II, this is a good news for us because Dandong 3285 is said to have 3-day power reserve, but currently it is still very hard to get one GMT-Master II with this movement from Clean, you need to wait for a long time.

So, about Rolex from C+F, they are good quality but still can not be compared with Clean. For 40mm Submariner, Clean has advantage in their green ceramic bezel. For 41mm Submariner, I suggest VS versions with Dandong 3235 and I hope Clean will also use Dandong 3235 in future, so their 41mm Sub will become better. For GMT-Master II, the finish of Clean is better than C+, the movement is Dandong 3285, which is more advanced and better than VR3285 from C+.