In future, fewer and fewer new models will be published in our market, nowadays, only several factories are still publishing new watches, they are Clean, VS, ZF and APS, but they also do not release new watches so often like before. Today, I want to introduce three new Rolex replica watches that were just published in our market, they are top quality super clones and absolutely worth buying.

First, two new GMT-Master II replica watches, one in two tone style, the other is full gold. Made by Clean factory. Both replica watches have a 40.2mm case diameter, case thickness is about 12.4mm. The weight of each watch is about 141 grams, I have measured it. These two GMT-Master II watches are also the new models from Rolex, we have waited for a long time before Clean makes the clones, now they finally come out. Both watches are equipped with Dandong 3285 movement, which is the best movement currently in all GMT-Master II replicas, Clean is very proud of this movement. But ordering a GMT-Master II replica watch from Clean needs to wait for a long time, about two weeks or even one month.
Before Clean, another factory has made these two watches, while I forget its name. EW factory also makes these two GMT-Master replicas and sells at cheap prices. But if you want to get the best ones, I recommend Clean. In our market, Clean and C+ make the highest quality GMT-Master replicas. Clean uses Dandong 3285 movement, while C+ uses Shanghai 3285 movement.

Last two new models are black and white Rolex Explorer made by C+ factory. They have been released in our market for weeks, and like their GMT-Master II, the new Explorer II from C+ also uses Shanghai 3285 movement. I introduced Explorers II black and white watches before, they are made by GM and JVS, the version of GM Explorer II has come to V4, while I heard that JVS factory has been closed because of the raid, not sure if they will back to this business in future. If you want the black or white Explorer II, you can buy from GM or C+.