I found I have fallen in love with golden Rolex, the feeling is so strange, I do not like them before, but they have attracted my attention in recent weeks, maybe it is because of me, which is no longer young, and sometimes I find the golden Rolex looks so beautiful and mature on me. A lot of people probably like golden Rolexs too, in Rolex collection, most golden models come from their Datejust and Day-Date, many factories are making replicas of golden Rolex, I do not want to talk those cheap ones made by small factories that are only sold less than 100 US Dollars, these are the lowest grade, do not be cheated by their “AAA” mark on the crystal face. Some people emailed and told me that they bought a great AAA replica before, and now wanted to buy another one, when I sent photos to them, they found there is no “AAA” mark on the crystal, I explained the one introduced by me is the best, much higher quality than the AAA, they doubted. Back to today’s topic, I am going to talk about the best golden replicas of Rolex Datejust and Day-Date, which factories make them? Actually you do not have too many choices.
Every person who is going to buy a golden replica Rolex must care most about its gold layer. In our market, for golden Datejust, the best and only option is GM factory. They have two versions, gold plated and wrapped gold, the latter has a thicker gold layer and also a higher price. If you have ever bought a wrapped gold Rolex from GM factory and still not satisfied with it, then ask your watch dealer to help increase the thickness of gold layer next time when you want another golden Rolex, some stores can do this work in our market. For golden Day-Date, the best option is still GM factory, but they only have the gold plated version. By the way, EW factory also makes some golden Rolex, but not too many, and quality is not as good as GM.
So, my conclusion is just go with GM factory if you want the best golden Rolex, so, no longer confused by a lot other choices. At last, I want to share a news here, it is about CR factory, they do not offer watches now. In one of my previous posts, I explained that CR factory makes good quality golden Rolex replicas, now unfortunately we lost it.