About two weeks ago, someone who read my blog asked me which factory makes the best replica 114060, Clean or VS? I said both factories make the same quality 114060, he did not believe, and then asked me which factory makes the best replica 124060, I also said Clean, because VS has not published the 124060 at that time. So, about the replica of Submariner 114060, which one is the best? I recommend Clean, because Clean is the earliest manufacturer in our market to make 114060, VS is the latter to make 114060, the 3135 movement inside does not have difference. Just several days ago, VS announced that the release of their 41mm Submariner No Date 124060, so now if you ask me which factory makes the best replica 124060, I will say VS, because its movement is much better.

Inside the VS 124060, the movement is 3230, it is based on the custom-made 3235 from VS, so this 3230 movement also has a 72-hour power reserve, that’s the main reason why VS Datejust and 41mm Submariner are more expensive than Clean. For 40mm Submariner, you do not need to be confused, Clean and VS make the same quality ones, but when talking about green Submariner 116610LV, I only recommend the one made by Clean. Currently the custom-made 3230 and 3235 are only supplied to VS, that’s also the reason VS is able to sell their Datejust and 41mm Submariner at such high prices.

About the black ceramic bezel, Clean makes the best ceramic bezel used on Submariner, this is not a secret, now VS also uses the ceramic bezel made by Clean, but whether it is the latest version of ceramic bezel or not, we do not know. There were too many critical issues about the ceramic bezel of Submariner before, the finish of the pearl, the bezel markers and the coating, but now these issues have been solved? Few people talking about these issues today, what do you think?

Submariner is really the best option for a beginner who wants to buy their first replica, there is no technical limit to make the replica of Submariner, and most watch manufacturers can make it very well, clients also have few complaints about Submariner, it is one of the best replicas that closest to genuines.

Thanks for your great work. I love it.
One question remains for me: What would be your preference for the 126610LV?
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VSF 124060 uses the 3235 movement (they have yet to make the 3230), which has a ghost date and need to pull crown out with two clicks. Do you still recommend VSF for the 12 series even with this issue?