I felt so happy when I firstly saw this replica coming out from our market, but then a bit disappointed about the watch because it is not made by Clean factory. This is a new Daytona replica watch with a see-through crystal back, many people are expecting this watch, they are expecting a super clone, not this one from QF that is not a good replica but sold at a very high price. I did not hear QF factory before, some reviews saying they specilize in manufacturing replica Rolex watches with increased weight, this Daytona from them has a weight more than 177 grams. However, I do not suggest you guys buy this Daytona from QF, it is not a super clone because of its movement.
I did not see genuine Daytona 126506 watch and can not compare the case shape and dial details between it and this replica, but I must say the movement is a big flaw on the replica. QF claims that they use Dandong 4130 movement in this replica Daytona, but this is not the same Dandong 4130 as the one used by Clean Daytona. The movement in this QF Daytona is uni-directional winding, while the Dandong 4130 in Clean Daytona is bi-directional winding, two different movements, the one used by QF is not good, but QF still selling this replica Daytona at the same or even a higher price than the Daytona from Clean, that’s not fair. So currently do not buy this Daytona from QF, you can wait, I think Clean will publish it soon.