It is a new model from Z factory, a Patek Philippe Calatrava replica watch, with reference 6007A. Z is a big watch factory here, but they do not make too many replicas of Patek Philippe, the most popular ones in our market are Calatrava replicas and Aquanaut from Z factory. Do not doubt the quality of each timepiece made by Z factory, they are the best of best.

The replica Calatrava is a basic three-hander model, with a case diameter of 39mm, the watch is a very elegant and casual timepiece, for daily wearing, I think it is suitable for most men who are looking for a watch in usual size without complications.

The case is 39mm in diameter, while only 10.5mm thick, it is a perfect Patek Philippe watch for men who need a watch that looks thin and in moderate size. Brightly polished case feels smooth, even on the edges and corners, you feel no metal burrs, this reflects the top quality and skilled watch-making technology, actually, many watch factories in our market can achieve such quality watch-making level, certainly, AR factory represents the best case and bracelet manufacturing level.

The dial is blue, on the center, there are special patterns, which have special meaning to Patek Philippe I think. Those Arabic numeral hour markers have Swiss luminescence coating, so do hour and minute hands. After absorbing light, the lume color on hour markers looks the same as that on hour and minute hands, even under weak dark condition, you can see that both hands and hour markers show the same lume color, on some diver’s models made by other factory, the lume looks different in color on this Patek, Z factory made a great job and they have a strict quality check.

Through the crystal back, you can see movement inside, which has beautiful decoration. The movement is based on Miyota 9015, but it has correct modification on auto rotor and movement plates, so in outlook, no difference can be found between this clone 324SC and genuine calibre.

Patek Philippe is a symbol of status, while a top quality Patek replica that looks exactly the same as genuine is worth buying, especially the one made by big watch manufacturer.