Submariner 116610LN must one the best-selling replica watch in our market, Noob factory has been known for making the highest quality replica Submariner 116610LN for years, the version now updated to V11. RXF also unveiled their 116610LN replica several weeks ago and got positive feedback. Today, I want to make a brief comparison between the Noob V11 Submariner 116610LN and RXF version.
My English is not very good, in some aspects, I can not explain clearly, hope you can understand. By the way, I took these photos with my mobile phone, maybe you can not see the difference clearly between the two models, sometimes even you need to use a magnifier to observe.
First, hold the two Submariners in hand, I can not see and feel the difference, both are top quality ones.
Some details are slightly different if you observe carefully. The lume pearl on the bezel. Under the same light condition, Noob looks whiter, while color of RXF is softened and has better transparency. However, both can be accepted.

On the dial, with your eyes, you can not see difference, but with a 15X magnifier, you will see that the edge of hour markers on RXF is polished to be better, while on Noob, it is uneven. About hands set, the axis is solid stainless steel, actually both factories use a small stainless steel “cap”, not fully solid.

About ceramic bezel, the biggest difficulty a factory need to face when they want to clone Submariner 116610LN. In the past years, whatever the Submariner replicas come from, even it is Noob V10, the platinum coating will fade. Now Noob V11 and RXF completely solved this problem, the platinum-coated bezel markers on both Submariners will not fade, the quality of ceramic bezel has even reached Switzerland standard.

About date magnifier, check RXF, it has light blue ar coating, while Noob V11 does not have. Both factories are correct, on genuine Submariner 116610LN, some has light blue ar coating on date magnifier, some also does not have. So, this should not become one point to discuss which one is better, so does the date font.

In case diameter, both watches are 40mm, and RXF is thinner than Noob V11, RXF is closer to genuine.

Overall, both Submariners from Noob and RXF are top quality, they represent the highest quality watch manufacturing level in our market. Considering the price, maybe more people are willing to choose RXF Submariner as their first replica.
The differences are so insignificant, Noob as usual excels over and over again.
For 99% of the folks this is a perfect replica. But there is a small group of enthusiast who want perfection.
Perfection that prevents them from absolute satisfaction.
Personally, I find the original RX overpriced and underwhelming. Besides, an original Patek or Vacheron deserve our hard earned money, after all they have superb, honored craftsmanship.
Rolex, with a factory machinery, nah , it is too common to be considered. Noob or ARF will be more than enough. Quite perfect to me, imho.
By the way your English is very good!
Hi am intrested in the Submariner rolex, how do i buy?
What is weight like with v11 and a original rolex