116710 BLNR is the best-selling GMT Master II among replica watch field because of its eye-catching black and blue bezel. Factories like Noob in our market have already been devoted into improving every detail to manufacture the best quality replica Rolex. 116710 BLNR is the product of Noob, and it is the seventh time for the factory to make some important changes on this replica watch, although the previous versions have been perfect enough. Now the mostly asked question about the difference between V7 and V6s by my blog readers, here I must clarify the thing clear, it lies in the clasp engraving, which is polished on V7 and satin-finished on V6s.
One of my clients who live in France bought two 116710 BLNR from me, the only feedback he left for us is it is a flawless replica. If you have been focusing on development of replica watch industry for years, you will know how much progress those factories have made in recent years, there are no big factories that were manufacturing such high quality replica watches before, only some small factories made some cheap replica Rolex in the past, the best were those medium quality ones. Rolex also added a lot of anti-fake features in their recent models, however, this exactly has made the factory overcome difficulties to research genuine models to produce more better 1:1 replica watches, now, every replica Rolex watch coming from big factories has all necessary features which you could find on a genuine Rolex. Please read the following specifications of this replica Rolex GMT Master II.
Movement: Clone Rolex 3186, functional GMT
Case: 40mm*13mm, 316L Stainless Steel
Bezel: Blue/Black Ceramic
Dial: Black with Superlume Hour Markers
Crystal: Sapphire with Etched Crown at 6 o’clock
Clasp: Rolesor Type
In next year 2017, I think the factory will focus on releasing more new watches rather than continuously improving the old models, because I think such 116710 BLNR is already perfect, there are no places need to be improved, the last defect on the clasp has been corrected. If you are in pursuit of perfection, the only way to make the replica work more accurate is to install a genuine ETA movement for it, the factory offer clients such option if you can pay extra $80 usd for a genuine movement.
The two big selling points of the replica lie in its bezel and function. First, the bezel uses real ceramic material, the blue and black color on bezel are real color of the ceramic, not painted, besides, the central blue hand with a big triangle is working in the same way like genuine, you can adjust GMT hand position through the crown. If you can replace with a genuine ETA movement and take good care of the replica in daily life, I mean, do not let it under water too often, it will serve you for 3-5 years. I am not cheating you, I have been in this area for years, I know how to modified these replicas to make them become stronger and realiable.
Hi I’m interested to make a purchase of Noob Factory V7 Replica Rolex GMT Master II 116710 BLNR Ceramic Watch
You mentioned that it can be installed with a genuine movement, how much does the watch cost after installation?
Hi I’m interested to make a purchase of Noob Factory V7 Replica Rolex GMT Master II 116710 BLNR Ceramic Watch
You mentioned that it can be installed with a genuine movement, how much does the watch cost after installation?
Interested, please respond….
I am interested in this watch so would appreciate more information.
Interested in this watch. More info please. Noob Factory V7 Replica Rolex GMT Master II 116710 BLNR Ceramic Watch with Clone 3186
Im interested to buy Noob Factory V7 Replica Rolex GMT Master II 116710 BLNR Ceramic Watch with Clone 3186. Can you give me your dealer contact? Or Do you have a Line? So I can chat with you easily.
Interested in this watch. More info please. Noob Factory V7 Replica Rolex GMT Master II 116710 BLNR Ceramic Watch with Clone 3186 with a genuine ETA movement
Hello I am your blogspot and I am a fan of beautiful Rolex watches, Cartier, Audemar, Panerai.
to explain that Noob manufactures quality imitation watches.
I am looking to buy a nice Rolex 116710 GMT Master II. At what price and on what reliable site with trouble-free shipping. Thank you for answering me
I’m interested in the Noob Factory V7 Replica Rolex GMT Master II 116710 BLNR Ceramic Watch with Clone 3186 in Black/Blue where can I safely and reliable purchase this watch, and for what price.
Hi I’m interested to make a purchase of Noob Factory V7 Replica Rolex GMT Master II 116710 BLNR Ceramic Watch
You mentioned that it can be installed with a genuine movement, how much does the watch cost with shipping to us?
Interested in one of these with the genuine movement . Please reply for payment and shipping details
Gmt master 2 116710 BLNR ceramica con movimento ETA, quanto costa
Interested in yachtmaster ii two tone.
Great watch! How can I get one?
Interesting on how many fake comm ets
interested in buying
Hi there,
Interested in purchasing one of these (with genuine movement).
Pls advise how to buy one
How much would it cost???
Hi, beautiful watch. I’m interested in buying a noob gmt master 2 Pepsi. Can you send me details please. Thanks.