It’s been a long time, I just back to work from a holiday, found it is even more tired during the holiday than usual. Before the holiday, many watch factories published new models, I will introduce them in the next weeks.
Tudor replicas are not as popular as Rolex and Panerai as well as other replicas, but they usually occupy a certain market share in this industry. Sometimes when there is a new model of Tudor, its replica will come out immediately and sold very well. I do not know why people like Tudor, probably mainly because of its attractive style. The Black Bay of Tudor even has become one of the best sellers in our market for a while.
Today, I want to introduce a new Tudor Black Bay replica watch that was just published by Z factory in last week, it is a new GMT model from Tudor and features a bi-color bezel, which is black and brown. The watch has a two-tone style. Having waited for so long since the last Tudor Black Bay replica several years ago, this Tudor GMT replica is a new surprise for our watch fans.
The replica Tudor is made by Z factory, also named ZF. The watch has a 41mm case that is measured to be 14.5mm in thickness. The case is made with 316L stainless steel, not 904L, the crown is yellow gold with Tudor flower logo, the uni-directional rotating bezel has a black and brown bezel insert, which is made with aluminum, not ceramic. The bezel markers are in golden color, the same gold tone as the bezel tooth.
Black dial features golden printings and features black date font in white background, which is clearly readable, the sapphire crystal has colorless anti-reflective coating on both sides to offer the dial a more clear readability. GMT hand on the dial is the longest hand with a small square on the top. Both hour markers and hands have white luminescence coating, that’s a regular feature for all Tudor Black Bay watches. By the way, the GMT hand can work.
The replica watch is powered by a clone ETA 2836-2 automatic movement, which is one of the mostly used movements in replica watch industry, together with the clone ETA 2824, both have played an important role in the development of replica watch industry. Everyone likes replica watch from Z factory, because it is one of the most experienced watch manufacturer here that makes super clone watches, the sales and after-sale service are more stable than other watch factories.
How much for this Tudor, Tudor Black Bay GMT 79833MN with Black/Brown Bezel price with shipping to zip code 34747