KW is a factory that was opened by the Turks in Guangzhou, China. This factory specilizes in manufacturing good quality Panerai replicas, now there are a lot of PAMs replicas made by KW, including the PAM 441 replica I reviewed before, PAM 441 is a ceramic Panerai watch but it is not a full ceramic watch like PAM 438. KW PAM 438 is replicated according to genuine watch, the size and other details are all 1:1 cloned, you can not find too many flaws on this replica.
When I first had this watch, it feels a little heavy, the watch weighs about 115g. I feel its high quality texture but its ceramic material makes it lighter than other PAMs made of stainless steel. In my opinion, ceramic has a lot of advantage, such as refined texture, scratch resistance and not fade. PAM 438 is 44mm in case diameter, like PAM 441, the bezel, case head and case back of PAM 438 all use screw-down structure, this will create convenience for wearers who want to clean dial sometimes.
The front and back crystal are sapphire, which has a great hardness and high scratch resistant performance. Under crystal, the dial looks very clear, especially under sun light, the dial is still clearly readable. The texture of black dial echoes with the black ceramic case. The dial uses classic sandwiched structure like genuine watch, the upper disc is hollow out and the disc on bottom is covered with durable luminous material. Such dial design makes the hour markers look more three-dimensional.
By the way, the ceramic crown bridge has corners polished round and smooth, which guarantees a good wearing comfort.
About movement, PAM 438 replica watch uses black movement, its reference is P.9001/B. To build an all black watch, to achieve such a concept, Panerai developed this blackened P.9001/B movement. KW factory used a shanghai 7750 to clone this movement, DLC plated movement bridges make P.9001/B the best looking movement in all Panerai replicas.
The bracelet is full ceramic made except the black steel deployant clasp. Actually there are still a lot of things needed to be talked on this replica, and it is indeed one of the best-selling PAM replicas in our market, I hope you guys could tell me what’s your opinion about this watch if you have ever bought it. Now the only ceramic watch I still keep in my collection is PAM 438, I love it.
What is just the best panerai you can offer? In PVD (black) but does not have to be black. I am looking for a perfect clone …
I really like the look of a number of watches on this blog. How can I get in touch with you directly to discuss the same?
How can I buy this watch? And what’s the price? Thanks.
I am a huge fan of Panerai.
Are there any good replicas for the Panerai Green Dial Luminor and Radiomir Boutique Editions?
Thank you
I’d love to ask you about a few watches that I’m considering but I can’t find your contact info on the blog. Can you send me a note at jpauldaly at gmail dotcom?
Hello – which factory make best 1:1 copy panerai submersible 42mm steel? Thanks
Can you tell me where I can purchase one of these replica watches. Are they available in the U.K.?
Can you tell me where I can purchase one of these replica watches. Are they available in the U.K.?
hi i want to have some info about the watch.
price etc.
where to buy
Come posso acquistare questo orologio? E qual è il prezzo? Grazie.