Now in our watch market, many replica watches are out of stock now, factories like ARF, ZF, V6 and PPF only make some popular models that are usually selling well, sometimes people want to buy a specific model that is not that popular, then it may be out of stock although available before, because of the raid, many factories do not want to keep too many watches in their warehouse or office, so they only produce popular models now. Besides, to avoid of being caught, every factory delivers watches at a very low speed, and new watches rarely appeared in our market now. Today, I want to introduce a new Richard Mille replica watch, I have been waiting for a new replica since last month, now it finally came out.
This Richard Mille reminds me another watch, it is also a Richard Mille, just a Pablo Mac Danough limited edition model, with tourbillon movement like this one. The Pablo Mac Danough is from JB factory, while this Richard Mille is from RM factory. I did not know this factory before, but seeing from its name, probably this factory will bring us more top quality replica Richard Mille watches in future.
This watch is not cheap due to its sapphire case, tourbillon movement and special dial construction, however, if you have spare money and want to buy a top quality replica watch with mechanical movement, then you must consider such a type of tourbillon watch, because it shows you the beauty of mechanical movement completely.
You can see the working tourbillon device on skeletonized dial, the transparent sapphire case can let you know the construction of case better, the blue color on dial, blue rubber strap on crown and blue rubber band form a very harmonious style in color, by the way, RM factory also offers one pair of transparent rubber band for free. The following are more details of this replica watch.
Movement: Manual Winding Tourbillon
Case: 43mm49mm16mm, Transparent Composite Material
Crystal: Sapphire
Dial: Skeletonized
Bracelet: Blue Rubber with Deployant Clasp
The thickness is 16mm
what’s the thickness of Gen.?
The thickness of this RM is 17,5 mm as showed in Puretime site.
so what’s the gen. thickness ?
Il est mieux de prendre ce modèle de l’usine RM ou JBF